department Quality Commission


Institution Information


Our mission is to cultivate individuals with a solid foundation in core philosophical disciplines, who are capable of critical thinking and contributing to our intellectual life. We strive to create a modern educational and scientific environment that fosters respect for diverse cultural values and lifestyles, upholds social and academic ethical standards, and encourages a desire to think, understand, and research. Our aim is to develop individuals who can listen to and understand different perspectives, remain open to diverse opinions and ideas, and are enthusiastic about all these fields. Additionally, we are committed to keeping abreast of scientific research and engaging in original studies.

Our vision is to conduct impactful and original academic work in philosophy. We aim to critically evaluate national and international cultural heritage from an interdisciplinary collaborative perspective, interpret the results with a philosophical outlook, and share them with society. We strive to cultivate students who are sensitive to global and national issues and contribute philosophical insights toward solving contemporary problems, thereby becoming a department whose graduates are highly sought after.

The objective of the Philosophy Department is to teach students conceptual thinking and the history of philosophical thought, thereby providing an education aimed at exploring and analyzing contemporary issues in the light of philosophical knowledge. Our department seeks to instill in students and others interested in philosophy the awareness that philosophical knowledge and reasoning are among the most crucial tools for solving societal problems. We aim to propose solutions to social issues and develop individuals capable of crafting such proposals. To achieve this, we will introduce philosophical heritage through the works of philosophers and teach philosophical methods and critical thinking based on fundamental philosophical issues. By the end of this process, graduates of the department will have the potential not only to become teachers and academics but also to excel in roles that require thinking and creativity.


Core Values of the Philosophy Department

Critical Thinking
Interdisciplinary Perspective
Inquiry and Questioning Skills
Student-Centered Education
Sensitivity to Humanity and Nature
Freedom in Academic Perspectives
Respect and Tolerance for Cultures
Commitment to Justice and Equality
Adherence to Ethical Principles
Sense of Responsibility
Emphasis on Contemporary Thought

Department Strategy
In alignment with our mission and vision, our department adopts an innovative and continuously evolving approach guided by quality standards. We aim to nurture qualified individuals with professional knowledge, skills, and self-confidence, prioritizing service to society. The department fosters the awareness that philosophical knowledge and reasoning are critical tools for addressing societal challenges, both for students and others interested in philosophy.

We support the efficient collaboration of academic and administrative units, value stakeholder opinions, and maintain constant communication with other scientific disciplines to ensure philosophy occupies an interdisciplinary position. Our educational policies are open to national and international collaborations and emphasize the integration of technology, artificial intelligence, and its applications, as well as the utilization of cultural heritage.

Moreover, we strive to produce academic publications of national and international significance in collaboration with faculty members and to cultivate students capable of offering critical and objective solutions to societal and global challenges. Additionally, the department actively participates in the university's initiatives to establish an ecosystem that supports the development of the region in health, sports, social, cultural, educational, and environmental domains. It prioritizes increasing services for disadvantaged groups and engaging in joint social responsibility projects in these areas as a core strategy.

NOTE: Updated based on the opinions received at the latest advisory board and stakeholder meetings.

Proof1 Proof2 Proof3


Sistematik Felsefe ve Mantık Anabilim Dalı

Prof. Kevser ÇELİK ( Anabilim Dalı Başkanı)

Prof. Mevlüt ALBAYRAK


Res. Asst. Ramazan KAYA

Felsefe Tarihi Anabilim Dalı

Assoc. Prof. Suat Soner ERENÖZLÜ (Anabilim Dalı Başkanı)

Türk-İslam Düşünce Tarihi Anabilim Dalı

Prof. Kevser ÇELİK (Anabilim Dalı Başkanı)

Res. Asst. Ş. Mert ÜNAL Ph. D

Bilim Tarihi Anabilim Dalı

Assoc. Prof. Soner SOYSAL  (Anabilim Dalı Başkanı)

Assoc. Prof.  Kemal ÇİNÇİN

Res. Asst. Gökçe SARI. Ph. D.

You can access our department's "Authorities, Duties and Responsibilities" page here.

Our Philosophy Department, in alignment with its mission and vision, adopts a quality and research policy grounded in the standards of the Quality Management System. With an innovative and continuously developing approach, we aim to:

  • Cultivate qualified individuals equipped with professional knowledge, skills, and self-confidence, committed to serving society.
  • Ensure coordinated and high-performance collaboration between academic and administrative units.
  • Maintain fairness and transparency in administrative processes.
    Value the perspectives of stakeholders and remain open to national and international collaborations.
  • Prioritize technological and scientific standards in education, teaching, and research.
  • These principles guide us in our pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement.

1. Doç. Dr. Vedat Tezcan Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi
2. Ercan Kızılkaya Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Lisans Öğrencisi
3. Züleyha KAZAR Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Yüksek Lisans Öğrencisi
4. Mehtap Karaca Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Felsefe Bölümü Yüksek lisans Öğrencisi
1. Asst. Prof. Yusut TAN Hakkari Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi
2. Asst. Prof.  Üyesi İbrahim Halil ÇETRES Mardin Artuklu ÜNİVERSİTESİ Felsefe Bölümü
3. Teacher of Philosophy Nesibe Koçak BAŞAKŞEHİR - TOKİ Kayaşehir Anadolu Lisesi
4.Teacher of Philosophy Belgin Demirer Yalova Necmettin Erbakan Sosyal Bilimler Lisesi
5. Administer Ahmet Çelik Birey Eğitim Kurumları
Bölümümüzün iç ve dış paydaş etki/önem matrisine buradan ulaşabilirsiniz.

You can access the SDU Quality Assurance System Decision Tree Model here





1. Asst. Prof. Arife ÜNAL SÜNGÜ

 MAKÜ İlahiyat Fakültesi 


3. Prof.  Tuncay SAYGIN Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi İTBF. Felsefe Bölümü
4.  Assoc. Prof.  Zafer YILMAZ  Atatürk Üniversitesi Kazım Karabekir Eğitim Fak. Türkçe ve Sosyal bilimler Eğitimi Bölümü 

Meeting Minutes

Social Contribution Activities Work on the Department Social Contribution Activities is ongoing. It will be shared here after the work is completed.

2023-2024 Department R&D Report is found here

Work on the Department Activity Report is ongoing. It will be shared here after the work is completed.

Work on the Department Cross Peer Review Report is ongoing. It will be shared here after it is completed.

2024-2025 Suleyman Demirel Universty Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Exam Directive Evaluation Survey for Students                            Students:
Research Asistants: :
Collaborations/Protocols/Agreements We have consultative ties with the institutions we have determined as External Stakeholders and with the universities and institutions to which each of our members on the Advisory Board are affiliated.


Our department is planning to begin the accreditation process.


 No. Source of Suggestion
Date Reason
Action Date
1 Petition from a student studying in our department.(Proof) 28.02.2024 Course cancellation

The student's request was fulfilled


2 Petition from a student studying in our department. 25.02.2024 Course cancellation

The student's request was fulfilled


3 Petition from a student studying in our department.(Proof) 11.09.2024 Course cancellation

The student's request was fulfilled


4 Petition from a student studying in our department.(Proof) 22.09.2024 Requesting exemption

The student's request was fulfilled


5 It has been deemed appropriate to update the frequently asked questions tab on our department's website. 05.11.2024 Addition of an information tab regarding the e-attending application A tab regarding the e-attending application has been added to our department's frequently asked questions section. (Proof)



6. The Department Quality and R&D Coordination Office has requested that each faculty member announce the meeting hours they allocate to students on their doors. (Proof) 06.12.2024 Announcement of student meeting hours on office doors. Each faculty member has announced the meeting hours they allocate to students on their doors. (Proof)



Department-Scpecific Practices

There is no internship program run by our department.