Mission and Vision

Modern geographic research plays a key role in understanding and solving such contemporary issues as global warming, desertification, biodiversity, nature protection, pollution, urbanization, underdevelopment, and globalization. In public or private sector organizations to work as a geographer geography issues between students acquire the skills to students in the scientific research to information access, information, assessment and the ability to interpret, the academic-oriented students to prepare them for doctoral study aims.

1.Geography is the study of man's natural environment and how it influences his social and cultural development.
2.Geographers study, analyze, and map our changing natural and cultural environments at a variety of scales from local to global.
3.Geography deals with the change and interaction of the characteristics of natural and cultural environment in time and space.
4. As a modern science, geography with an interdisciplinary perspective studies issues that affect and change specific places. These include such natural factors as climate, soil, vegetation, relief, and such cultural factors as cultural change, economic, ideological, and politic processes.
5.In this framework geographers cover a vide variety of fields but the special emphasis given to man-natural environment interaction separates it from other disciplines.
6.It is obvious that geographic research makes great contributions to our daily life.
7.Modern geographic research plays a key role in understanding and solving such contemporary issues as global warming, desertification, biodiversity, nature protection, pollution, urbanization, underdevelopment, and globalization.